Lidl Dundee Stobswell - Lidl | Neighbourly

Lidl Dundee Stobswell is looking forward to working with local charities that can make use of surplus food and feed those in need. The schem

Lidl Dundee Stobswell

Lidl Dundee Stobswell is looking forward to working with local charities that can make use of surplus food and feed those in need. The scheme reflects our commitment to reducing food waste and protecting the environment.

DD4 6RX,
United Kingdom

Connected causes

19.8K meals provided 1.20 tonnes of products provided Dundee, UK
299 meals provided Dundee, UK
£785 donated 58.4K meals provided 0.98 tonnes of products provided Dundee, UK
£960 donated 9,310 meals provided 0.69 tonnes of products provided Dundee, UK
£750 donated 60.4K meals provided 0.70 tonnes of products provided Dundee, UK
£500 donated 9,277 meals provided 0.08 tonnes of products provided Dundee, UK
